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Do your period symptoms cause big disruptions in your life? They shouldn’t.

Ever wondered if your period symptoms were normal, or a bit excessive? It’s normal to have questions about your period. Women tend to have different experiences with their periods; our bodies are just different! But generally, you should be able to predict what your period symptoms will be like. At ThriVe+, we’re here to help you feel confident in your health. Your health matters. 

Part of empowering you means helping you understand what’s normal and what might not be. It’s important because your period is linked to lots of aspects of your health. You deserve to understand your cycle so you know when you might need medical support. So, without further ado, let’s talk all about period symptoms.

So, what are (typically) normal period symptoms?

When it comes to your period, there’s a wide range of what’s “normal.” Your individual cycle might be longer or shorter, heavy or light, regular or irregular.1 Within this range, what’s typical is what’s typical for you.1

But here are symptoms that many women experience:

Cramps: Mild to moderate cramping in the lower abdomen is common.1 They’re due to the uterus contracting to shed its lining.2

Bloating: Hormonal changes can cause water retention in your body.3 You might feel a bit bloated.

Breast tenderness: Your hormones can make your breasts feel swollen or tender.4

Mood swings: Hormonal changes can affect your mood, causing irritability, anxiety, or mild depression. Please take care of yourself during this time.4

Headaches: Hormonal shifts, especially drops in estrogen, can trigger headaches in some women.4

Fatigue: It’s common to feel more tired than usual during your period. That’s probably also because of the hormonal changes.4

Need medical support?

Like we mentioned earlier, your period might be a bit different from another person’s. But if something seems out-of-the-ordinary (or if you start experiencing any of the period symptoms listed below) — it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor. 

1. Heavy bleeding (Menorrhagia)

If you need to change your pad or tampon every hour for several consecutive hours, or if you pass large blood clots, it could be a sign of a more serious condition.5

2. Periods lasting longer than a week

Extended bleeding can indicate some issues. When women have longer periods than normal, it’s possible they may have hormonal imbalances, fibroids, or other underlying health conditions. It isn’t a guarantee that you have these conditions if your period is long, but you should talk to your doctor to be sure.5

3. Severe pain

Unfortunately, some cramping isn’t unusual.1 It’s just part of the uterus shedding it’s lining. But severe pain? Not normal. If the pain disrupts your daily life, it could indicate conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).2 

ThriVe+ offers no-cost STD testing to help identify common STDs that can lead to PID.

4. Fever, vomiting, or rash while using a tampon or menstrual cup:6

These period symptoms could be signs of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). That’s a rare but serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.6 Again, you should talk to your doctor to find out if this is what’s happening with you. You can’t know for sure unless you get checked out. Your health matters. You deserve to be as comfortable as possible during your period.

5. Irregular or missed periods

Occasional irregular periods can be normal.1 But frequent irregularities or missed periods – that can indicate certain conditions. Some possibilities could be polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), PID, or pregnancy.1 

ThriVe+ provides no-cost pregnancy tests and STD screenings to help you get answers. To be checked for PCOS, you should talk to your doctor and make an appointment.

Are you tracking your period?

Have you ever thought about tracking your period and your period symptoms? Keeping track of your period using a calendar or a period tracking app can be really helpful. By doing this, you can:

– Identify patterns in your menstrual cycle.

– Track the frequency, length, and intensity of your periods.

– Note any unusual symptoms or changes in your cycle.

– Take down accurate info for your healthcare provider, which can help in diagnosing any potential issues.

It might be helpful to track your period every month. Try to make it a habit. It’ll help you take charge of your health. Your tracking could be as simple as marking it on your phone’s calendar, or using a convenient app to help you. 

Need some support?

ThriVe+ has your back. We want you to feel confident in your health. Our services are no-cost, and discreet. We don’t judge. If you’re looking for a no-cost, lab quality pregnancy test, make an appointment soon. We’ll also help you with no-cost STD screenings. Think you might be pregnant? You can receive a no-cost ultrasound, too. Our services are by women, for women — and we’re here to empower and equip you to make your best, informed decision.

Remember, your period is a vital sign of your overall health. If you have concerns or notice significant changes, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare professional. Your health is important. You deserve quality care.








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