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Finding a women’s clinic near you – Deborah’s story

Finding a women’s clinic near me:

Deborah’s story

Since they met a year ago Deborah and Wren had been best friends. They shared everything, from their cutest outfits  to their wildest dreams. One afternoon, they were sitting on the porch of Deborah’s house, sipping on iced tea and chatting about the ups and downs of life.

As they talked, Deborah’s face got serious. Wren noticed the change and asked, “Hey, what’s going on? You seem a bit off today.”

Deborah waited a second before sharing her concern. “Wren, I think I might be pregnant,” she said quietly.

Wren reached out to hold Deborah’s hand. “Oh, Deborah, I’m here for you no matter what. We’ll figure this out together. Have you thought about what you want to do?”

Deborah sighed. “Not really. I mean, I need to know for sure first. But I don’t even know where to find a women’s clinic near me. I didn’t plan this.”

Wren nodded. “Well, before I moved here, I had a similar situation. For me, it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant. But I learned some things about what to do.”

Deborah was surprised, but happy to know that her friend knew what she was going through.

Wren went on, “The first step is finding a women’s clinic where you can get a test and some guidance. I’ve heard there are a few important things to consider when choosing one.”

Deborah looked at her friend, ready for any advice Wren could offer.

“First,” Wren began, “you want to find a clinic that’s close and easy to get toYou don’t want to be stressing over a long drive or complicated public transportation when you might be dealing with something important. Look for a place nearby, or see if they offer telehealth services.”

Deborah nodded, agreeing. “What else?”

“Make sure the staff is qualified and experienced,” Wren continued. “You want professionals who specialize in women’s health. And the clinic should be clean and well-maintained. Check out reviews online from real patients to know what to expect.”

“Good points,” Deborah said, feeling a bit more confident.

Wren went on, “Cost is another factor. Medical services can be expensive, and you need to find out if the clinic accepts your insurance. You could always look at affordable options like Thrive+, which is a no-cost women’s clinic.”

“I didn’t know there was a women’s clinic near me that offered no-cost pregnancy tests.” Deborah smiled at Wren. “You’re a lifesaver, Wren.”

Wren smiled. “I try. Also, it’s important that the clinic focuses on women’s care. You want a clinic that considers your individual needs and concerns— where you’re not just another name on a file. And when it comes to scheduling appointments, find a place that can get you in quickly. You need to know if you’re pregnant ASAP. Thrive+ welcomes walk-ins and has a 24/7 patient care hotline. We could call them together if you want.”

Deborah felt a sense of relief. “That sounds super helpful. I’m not sure I want anyone to know at this point, though.”

Wren nodded. “Privacy and confidentiality are really important. I totally understand that you want this kept between us right now. You deserve privacy and the respect to make your own choice. Thrive+ has a strict confidentiality policy, and they won’t share anything without your permission unless required by law. They can even set up a time for you to visit when you feel safe. If you wanted me to come with you, I’d be happy to support you.”

Deborah squeezed Wren’s hand. “Thank you, Wren. I feel better knowing what to look for. I’m interested in finding a Thrive+ — do they have a women’s clinic near me? Can you come with me?

Wren smiled. “Absolutely, Deborah. We’ve got this.”

Your story

Can you relate to Deborah’s situation? It might feel stressful to find a women’s clinic, especially when you’re worried about pregnancy. Find a friend like Wren who you can talk to and share your concerns. 

Take a deep breath. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’re not alone, and you matter. Life throws curveballs, and it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions. We all do.

If you’re worried about a pregnancy that wasn’t in your plan, Thrive+ is here for you. We offer  no-cost pregnancy tests, and a judgment-free, supportive environment. You’re making a smart move by taking charge of your health, and Thrive+ is here to help you navigate your options—be it abortion, adoption, or parenting.


Your choices are yours to make. No matter what you’re considering, you deserve respect. Thrive+ believes in woman-centered care. We’re here to help you in your situation. If you’re searching for a, “women’s clinic near me,” consider Thrive+, especially in Oklahoma and Philadelphia. Unlike other clinics, we are here to take time to answer your questions and get to know you. We want you to feel confident and content in your decisions and health.

Making an appointment is easy—whether you prefer to schedule ahead or just walk in, Thrive+ has your back. And if you need someone to talk to, we have a 24/7 patient care hotline.

Remember, this is about you and your well-being. Thrive+ is here to support you, without judgment, and help you make the decisions that are right for you.

You’ve got this.

Healthy • Safe • Strong

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