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Join the movement of Support Sisters

Ladies, you are not alone. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel like a storm swirling around you. But there is a powerful force that can help you through it: sisterhood. There’s a movement of women supporting women, lifting each other up. We’re coming together, providing the stability and guidance we all need sometimes. Do you have a support system like that?

Support sisters

A healthy support system is like a lifeline. It’s built on trust, where you feel safe sharing your deepest thoughts — without worrying that they’re judging you. Confidentiality is crucial to these kinds of relationships – that means knowing that what you share stays between you and your support sister. It creates a space where you can be your authentic self. At ThriVe, we are totally into authenticity. Women supporting women. Authentic relationships can build a solid support system. That, in turn, can help you make the best authentic choices for yourself. You can show leadership in your decisions — staying true to your values and who you are. 

A support sister is reliable and consistent. That means that she’s there for you, time and time again. She provides that steady hand to hold. Respect is the foundation of any good relationship. Support sisters should respect each other’s feelings and boundaries. And that includes your decision about your pregnancy. A good friend will care for you, no matter what you decide. We care about you here at ThriVe. We’ll never pressure or judge you.

These friends are women supporting women.

You and your support sisters need a relationship with honest communication, empathy, and active listening. Honest communication means you can express yourself freely and openly. Empathy means truly understanding and sharing the feelings of another. Active listening is more than just hearing; it’s about being present and fully engaged in what the other person is saying. Do you have a friend like that? We’ll talk more about how to find one. 

But in the meantime, please know that you always have support here at ThriVe. Whatever stage you’re in, and whatever you decide (abortion, adoption, or parenting), we will be there for you with genuine care and medically-accurate information. Women supporting women — even if the storm is swirling around you and you don’t even know what to feel. It’s alright. You have us in your corner for support.

So, how do you identify a “sister” in your life?

 Here are some steps to help you decide who could be that rock for you:

1. Look for Trustworthy Individuals: Think about who in your life has proven to be trustworthy. This is someone you feel comfortable sharing personal info with. She could be a mentor or peer of the same gender. She respects your privacy. She’s a safe person.

2. Seek Confidentiality: Find someone who has a history of keeping your secrets and respecting your privacy. This ensures you can speak freely without fear. She won’t go chatting with others about your experiences and considerations. Here at ThriVe, we take your confidentiality seriously. 

3. Check for Reliability: Consider who has been consistently there for you in the past. Reliability means you can count on this support sister when you need her most. If a friend has flaked whenever you need them, they might not be the best person to confide in.

4. Ensure Respect: Your support sister should respect your feelings and boundaries. She gives off safe and nurturing vibes.

5. Value Honest Communication: Choose someone who communicates openly and honestly with you, even when the conversations are tough. If you’re okay with hearing her opinions about your situation, let her know. If you’d rather just vent, tell her that. Sometimes you just need space to think and get your thoughts out. Other times you might want to get her input. That’s okay.

6. Look for Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Find someone who can truly put themselves in your shoes. Does she support your desire to graduate and pursue a certain career? If a friend only talks about themselves, or doesn’t acknowledge what you’re saying or feeling, they might not be your first choice as a support sister. Support sisters should celebrate each other’s success, and help you get through tough times.

7. Notice Active Listening: Your support sister should be someone who listens to you attentively. She engages with what you’re saying. She makes you feel heard and understood. You can tell this by her body language. Does she nod as you’re talking, or acknowledge what you’ve said? Does she give you space to talk without interrupting and putting in her opinion right away? Do you feel like you’ve gotten out what you needed to say?

Support sisters at ThriVe

Now, let me tell you more about the incredible women’s advocates at ThriVe. These are the compassionate, dedicated women who are here to support — you every step of the way. They understand that facing an unplanned pregnancy can bring on that storm of feelings and challenges. They’re ready to be your anchor through it all — a network of women supporting women.

You can reach out to ThriVe’s advocates anytime, day or night, through our 24/7 hotline. Feeling distressed over a concern about your pregnancy? They’re just a call away, ready to listen and provide immediate support. Whether you’re considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, they aren’t there to judge. You’ll be heard, and supported with medically-accurate information. If you’re having a medical emergency, call 911 or seek medical attention right away.

Our advocates offer emotional support, especially during your appointment. Imagine having someone by your side, while you wait for a pregnancy test result or during an ultrasound. They are there to comfort you, to talk through your fears and hopes, and to simply be present with you in those crucial moments. It’s all about what makes you feel comfortable and better equipped to make an authentic choice about your future.

Think of ThriVe advocates as someone you can lean on during this challenging time. They’re here to offer a listening ear and a kind heart when you need it. They’ll help you go over all your pregnancy options in a clear and compassionate manner — so that you’ll fully understand each choice available to you. This isn’t just about providing information. It’s about empowering you to make the most authentic, informed decision for your life and your future. After all, you’ll be the one most impacted by your choice. We want to help you feel confident about it.

She’s strong because she has women supporting women in her life.

Your authentic decision

Scheduling an appointment is a great first step towards that confidence. You can get the medically-accurate info you need about your specific pregnancy. You’ll receive an ultrasound and get all the specifics you need about your options. No pressure and no judgment here. We just want to help empower you in your own decision.

At ThriVe, our mission is to provide a holistic support system that goes beyond medical services. We believe in the transformative power of women supporting women. Support sisters. Our advocates embody this every day. They’re here to listen, explain your options, and stand by you, no matter what.

Remember, ladies, you don’t have to face this alone. With the help of ThriVe and the support of our wonderful advocates, you’ll find the strength and clarity to navigate your journey. Contact us, let us be your support sister, and together, we’ll walk through this with courage and hope. 

Healthy • Safe • Strong

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