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All about STD screenings

How long do STDs test take?

Hello, ladies! Let’s talk about something super important that we don’t always discuss openly — an STD test. Trust me, there’s nothing awkward about wanting to keep yourself healthy. Getting checked out is self-care. And you deserve that. If you’ve ever been sexually active, you’re at risk for an STI.1 

But what if you don’t have any symptoms? How can you know for sure? Don’t worry- we’ve got your back. At ThriVe, we specialize in women’s health. We’re here to answer your questions about sexual health, pregnancy, abortion, and more. We’re a safe space. No judgment here.

Should you get tested?

First things first, getting tested for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) is a super important part of taking care of your health. Even more so if you’re sexually active. Have you had sex in the past? Well, you could still be at risk.1, 2 Your health is worth getting checked out. Many STDs can be sneaky. That means you could have one but have no symptoms at all. And even if you have no symptoms, you could still be getting harmed by it.Plus, knowing your status gives you peace of mind and protects your future.

So whether you’ve been sexually active in the past or have been more recently, it’s best to get an STD test. Your future and your confidence is worth making this small investment of your time. The sexually transmitted disease tests don’t take long at all! And at ThriVe, your screening is no-cost! So what’s holding you back?

Getting your screening at ThriVe

At ThriVe, we offer confidential, no-judgment, and a no-cost STD test. Whether you’re showing symptoms or just want to be sure, we’re here for you. We perform the tests right at our women’s healthcare center and send the samples to a lab for analysis. Our center is super friendly and chic (unlike typical medical centers!). We care that you feel comfortable, safe, and heard. 

That’s why we have women’s advocates and licensed nurses! They’re there to help you if you need a listening ear. Give us a call to get scheduled, or if you need someone to talk to about your health concerns.

What do we test for?

Here’s a quick rundown of the common STDs we screen for. How long do STDs test take? Here’s the rundown:

Here at ThriVe, we send the STD test to a lab for analysis for comprehensive, accurate results. This way, you get quick answers (test result within a few days). Our team will contact you with your confidential STD test result.

– Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: Usually, you’ll pee in a cup or have a swab taken. Results.3

HIV: HIV can be diagnosed by a blood test.3

Syphilis: This is diagnosed with either a blood test or a swab from a genital sore.3

Trichomoniasis: An exam of the genitals, a swab or urine test..4

– Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): Not an STD, but more common in sexually active women. A provider might diagnosis BV with an exam, taking a sample of vaginal fluid, or testing the pH of your vagina..5, 6

Why does it matter?

Identifying and treating STDs is vital, for men and women alike. Some untreated infections can cause you serious health issues down the line. Plus, if you’re considering getting an abortion, it’s important to get tested before the procedure. STDs can complicate the procedure and impact your overall reproductive health.7

Need support for an unplanned pregnancy? You’re welcome to schedule a pre-abortion screening, too. That’ll include a pregnancy test (lab-quality), ultrasound (to examine the health of your specific pregnancy), and STD screening. You’ll need all of this info to make the best decision about your pregnancy. Knowing how far along you are and where your pregnancy is developing is crucial for making your choice. And we believe you’re the best qualified to make your own choice. We believe in you.

While you wait

Waiting for results can be a bit nerve-wracking. Maybe you’re wondering how long do STDs test take, or how long the results will take. We get it. At ThriVe+, we’ve been there. It’s our hope that you have peace during your period of waiting, and that you can be proud of yourself. Why? You’re taking care of your health and your future. You’re worth it. But while you wait, here are some tips to help pass the time:

– Stay Busy: Distract yourself with hobbies, work, or catching up with friends.

– Self-Care: Take time for yourself — read a good book, binge-watch your favorite show, or take long walks.

– Reach Out: Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It can be comforting to share and get support. STDs are more common than you think. If you want to talk to a trusted friend about it, that’s up to you. A good friend will not judge you.

– Educate Yourself: Learn more about STDs and their treatment options. Knowledge is power, ladies. Getting your screening is a great way to get educated about this.

Follow up for confidence

Once you get your results, what happens then? Follow up with a healthcare provider. If you test positive for any STD, getting prompt treatment is huge. The earliest you can get treatment, the better health outcomes you’ll have. Plus, you’ll have the confidence that your health is in your control again. Even if everything comes back clear, you’ll still need to be screened as long as you’re sexually active.3 Protecting yourself from a sexually transmitted disease is another reason that more and more women are choosing to delay sex (for now).

ThriVe has your back

Remember, ThriVe+ is here to support you every step of the way. Our goal is to provide accurate results, comprehensive testing, and detailed analysis. We want to help you get the treatment you deserve and protect your health. And you do deserve the best. That’s why we’re here!

So, don’t wait — take charge of your health today. Make your no-cost appointment soon so you can gain the confidence you deserve and the freedom of good health. And if you need help with an unplanned pregnancy, please know this: you are NOT alone. There are loads of resources available to you, no matter what choice you make. Come see us for a consultation to help you understand your options. You need to make a choice that feels authentic to you. We’re here to help you do that. You got this! 

Healthy • Safe • Strong

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